The first wave of feminism focuses on quantitative advancements. 1st wavers fight for suffrage and abortions. First wavers want rights. The short comings of the first wave addressed by the second wave is that where the first wave stops at gaining rights, the second wave wants those rights to count and for, in the instance of voting, for their opinion to count. 2nd wavers fight the glass ceiling and the illusion of equality on the work place. 2nd wavers fight for qualitative advancements. The first and second waves approach sexuality in a slightly hypodermic model. The 3rd wave builds and advances feminism into empowerment. The third wave recognizes that women can choose to use their sexuality and the conditioning of men to their advantage. IN the case of this Vitoria’s secret ad, the first wave would claim that it objectified women. The second wave would agree that it did and continue on to say that women should not have to be thin and model-esq to be Beautiful. The third wave would assert that those women who do look like that can take advantage of it and sexualize themselves, but it is still degrading and demeaning.
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